. Sacred Gatherings . JAG Fusion . Energy Healing .

This is a sacred space for like-minded souls

Ready to look after your Body, Mind and Spirit?

Welcome to

We are all amazing beings - if we only learn to stop and listen to our inner self, our higher self…

Unfortunately a lot of the time we forget our way. BUT we are slowly AWAKENING and being conscious of our TRUE NATURE that there is

MORE to us!!

Explore Jag Temple


Sacred Gatherings

This is a very sacred and powerful gathering of like minded souls. A space with grace, integrity, compassion and love to self - this is a gift to YOU

JAG Fusion

This is an intuitive mind, body and spirit reset. It is a fusion of body movement, reflection, meditation and sound healing. This sacred group of like minded beings and souls.

Energy Healing

Holistic Healing is complimentary with modern medicine and can look at all aspects and offer different perspectives when looking after your Body, Mind and Spirit

Find An Upcoming Gathering or Event