. JAG Energy Healing .

holistic healing is complimentary with modern medicine

…and can look at all aspects and offer different perspectives when looking after your Body, Mind and Spirit

You have the choice to choose

I have had a strong pull in the various areas of Universal Crystal Shamanic Healings and other modalities that all melt in this beautiful loving fusion of Energy Healings - connecting to your Higher self and Spirit -

We are all amazing beings - we all have these self healing abilities - if we only learn to stop and listen to our inner self and our higher self

...... unfortunately we have forgotten our natural healing abilities

We race to get the latest quick fix or latest trend......that may not always be the best for us.....

BUT we are slowly AWAKENING and being conscious of our TRUE NATURE that there is MORE to us!!

We are all CONNECTED in this Universal light of Divine Creativity of UNIVERSAL LIFE

Since starting my Energy Healing Journey in these Ancient Healing Arts

I am always humbled and in wonder at how the divine creator works thru us to be of service to others to assist wherever is needed in our Body, Mind and Spirit -

the unlimited, unconditional LOVE that is always there - if we just CHOSE to open ourselves to all POSSIBILITIES

In my HEART it's an honor to hold a Sacred Healing Space for beautiful souls of all walks of life

Divine Universal Energy, loving hearts and knowing this is my purpose to be of service to all beings through holistic healings

Here is an insight....

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation. The word shaman originates from the Tungus tribe in Siberia. Anthropologists coined this term and have used it to refer to the spiritual and ceremonial leaders among indigenous cultures worldwide. The word shamanism can be used to describe the ancient spiritual practices of these indigenous cultures. Clearly, the countless similarities between various ancient traditions played a role in the continual generalization of the word.

Over the past few decades, the term “shamanism” has been popularized throughout the western world, especially in new-age circles. Today, it can be difficult to distinguish between traditional forms of shamanism and modernized, often esoteric practices that utilize the term.

One could view shamanism as the universal spiritual wisdom inherent to all indigenous tribes. As all ancient spiritual practices are rooted in nature, shamanism is the method by which we as human beings can strengthen that natural connection.

Aspects of Shamanism


Shamanism stems from nature itself. Shamanic practices tap into the power Mother Earth has to offer and the ancient indigenous teachings are derived from the simple truths of nature.


Shamanism is not only concerned with the health of the individual, but also with the health of the entire community. This includes all people, plants, animals, and all of life.


Daily spiritual practice allows for the continued and exponential growth of both body and soul. The goal is to create internal and external harmony with all creation.


Learning to approach and connect with sacred places is an intrinsic part of shamanism. By honoring natural wonders such as rivers, lakes, mountains, and caves, we reawaken and invigorate the energy of the land.


Ceremonies to honor the spirits of nature help promote harmony and balance. The path of shamanism never ends. It is believed that so long as these ceremonies continue, the world will go on.

Energy Healing at JAG


JAG Crystal Healing Room


Infused with positive intentions, light and energy

It's as simple as lying down on this beautiful healing bed and letting your stresses of the day melt away........

Here is everything you need to know about this wonderful healing system

Syn your mind to Binaural Beats

The BioAcoustic Mat's music is embedded with specific frequencies that coax our mind into different therapeutic states.

The carefully constructed tracks stimulate healthy neutral activity in the brain by controlling the number of sounds the ear hears per second and by playing a slightly different pitch in each ear. This results in our mind syncing with the rhythm and our body becoming more relaxed or energized.

Healing Energy - Vibro - Acoustic relaxation is not just for the brain, it also provides deep physical cellular stimulation to the skin, muscles, and joints.

The BioAcoustic Mat you not only hear the music but feel it as well.

Like a massage, the vibrations from the BioAcoustic Mat calms the body and feels good.

  1. Powerful low frequency speakers and transducers are used to help deliver a deep acoustic cellular massage. The lower frequencies are used to massage large muscles and the higher frequencies for smaller muscles.

  2. These sounds affect brain activity to help contribute to a state of mental wellbeing. Professor's and researchers have collaborated to create beautiful soothing music which is designed to help you reach a calming sense of tranquility. The music is composed and designed in a way to complement the frequencies emitted by the speakers. The vibrations stimulate the nerves in the spine, brainstem and limbic system that drives emotional response and activates the auditory nerves that connect to your muscle tissue and the low frequency bass causes the muscles tissue to be at ease.

  3. Sound Therapy - BioAcoustic Mat music is organized into 4 categories to help you renew or relax your body, prepare you for sleep or to relieve stress.

Contains 12 tracks developed by Vibro- Acoustic expert Dr Lee Bartel

Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta or Gamma


30 - 68Hz level for large muscles

52 - 88 Hz level for smaller muscles

The Amethyst BioMat is a revolutionary healing tool, ideal for anyone interested in improving their overall health and well-being.

It helps reduce stress, inflammatory response and toxic insult, while supporting alkaline balance and lymphatic movement.

The Biomat is an FDA (USA) licensed medical device that delivers Far Infrared Light Far Infrared is the most beneficial and safe light rays, along with Negative Ions, it has the power to energize our entire body. Combined with Amethyst Crystals, that enhances balancing and has regenerative effects on our bodies.

The Amethyst Biomat transforms normal rest into deep states of relaxation and renewal, satisfying your body’s needs in minutes.

BioTrinity Care = BioAcoustic Mat + Biomat

The therapeutic frequencies will calm the body, and the entrancing music will calm the mind.

The BioAcoustic Mat vibration helps the body enter a deep state of tranquility, which allows you to receive the full effects of the far infrared rays and negative ions emitted from the Biomat.

During A BioAcoustic Mat Session During your session

You will be fully clothed in The Crystal Healing Room privacy to enjoy a relaxed state, surrounded by beautiful healing crystals I intuitively choose an Oracle card for your own personal insight from source and your higher self (you can take a photo).

Along with 2x intuitively choosen crystals to hold in your palms during session I also apply the highest quality of soothing Chakra essential oils that is also intuitively choosen for you As you relax and absorb powerful yet gentle Far Infrared Rays – energetic, health-supporting frequencies and is a safe way to increase alertness, improve memory skills, remove toxins from your body, and find inner peace.

After your Session Directly after a session

It is important to sit for a few minutes and drink a glass of water while your body sorts through the energetic changes.

Over the next few days, you may have more energy or you may also feel a lack of energy. Both are normal. If you feel a lack of energy, it is because your body is cleansing and restoring at deep cellular levels and is using a lot of energy.

By drinking plenty of fluids you will assist your body to easily go through the healing process.

You can also chill out in the Cystal bowl/yoga area too with a refreshing herbal.


  • By Appointment only - selected days and


  • PRICES - 45 minutes $60, 60 minutes $75