Inspiring Journeys

JAG Fitness and pilates gym studio Beerwah Glasshouse Mountains

My journey with Gail from JAG Fitness and Pilates began 3rd September 2018 when I signed up to Gail’s 4 week program.  I was terrified as I had never really been to a gym before. I instantly fell in love with weight training and reformer pilates and even gave up smoking 2 months in cold turkey on the 1st November and then increased my training to 5 days per week. 

I also started to eat a very clean diet and am fitter and stronger at 47 now then I have ever been and I feel absolutely fantastic! 
My weight was about 66 kg when I commenced with Gail and I now currently weigh 52kg with more muscle tone then I ever imagined.

During CoVid isolation I have continued to train 5 days per week with Gails online videos that are just fabulous!
I highly recommend Gail as a trainer and the variety of training has been awesome!

Walking into JAG and commencing training with Gail has been one of the best decisions I have made and I appreciate her so much for the love of fitness I have gained from her training. 

Gail is very unique as she does weight training and reformer Pilates and I have found this to be a fabulous combination.
I am now a completely new woman full of confidence and energy who finally loves and appreciates her body! I just love my transformation and will continue with my new healthy lifestyle always!


- started Sep 2018 to present

JAG Fitness and pilates gym studio Beerwah Glasshouse Mountains
JAG Fitness and pilates gym studio Beerwah Glasshouse Mountains
JAG Fitness and pilates gym studio Beerwah Glasshouse Mountains

I am the healthiest I have ever been thanks to Gail my Pilates instructor.

I started Pilates at Jag about 18 months ago and I didn’t even know what Pilates was .

My daughter Kristy had started Pilates was ravings about how great it was .

Kristy said,  ‘Mum this would be great for you, you can get your body toned and strong’.

So at 55 years old going through menopause and carrying a lot of extra weight I started Pilates with Gail. Never one to exercise, I started with 2 classes for the first week and absolutely loved it. Gail has amazing passion for Pilates and the wellbeing of her clients.

I attended 2 classes a week for a few months and I added a couple of weights classes into my sessions to see how that went. I loved it so much I now do 5 classes each week.

I’m now 56 and the result are amazing:-  

- I am 10kg lighter

- I am stronger than I have ever been in my entire life

- I actually have muscles

- I am more confident

- I am happy

- I am healthy

- I have a new group of friends that I love seeing every day

I strongly recommend anyone to just give it a go, its life changing.


- started Dec 2018 to present


JAG Fitness and pilates gym studio Beerwah Glasshouse Mountains

Gail is an amazing trainer. She has cured my sore back and is helping my wife Paula recover from a stroke with PT.


- Started 2019 to present



I didn’t know what to expect from the pretty little white cottage on the corner , what I did know is that first I had to reset my mind and the rest would follow. I signed up for kickstart, as it should rightly be called! I cried and I ached, but I kept going for the month, while Gail every so gently helped me reset my mind and not so gently shocked my body. Fast forward 12 months…I am healthier, stronger, fitter and my body is much better equiped to do the things I ask of it. I am now ski fit, can run a bit and am able to scoop up my grandkids 2 at a time. My focus was never on weight loss…it did follow, to date I have lost 25kg. Yay me, and big shout out to Gail for her unwavering belief in me.


- started Feb 2019 to present



I was so concerned about joining a standard gym and found Jag Fitness & Pilates which has been perfect for me. The Pilates and weight classes are personalised and the amazing Gail embarks upon the journey with you to achieve your goals. I am attending three mornings a week and will look at attending more often as I just love the feeling of walking into the session and feeling “at home”. Gail fosters care and kindness and attracts that in her client base so it feels like family – even when we’re sweating it out.

It isn’t necessarily about weight loss but about being the best you can be, strong and empowered, no matter where you are in life. And finding your tribe.


- September 2019 to present



Gail is AMAZING!!! She welcomes you with open arms and her beautiful big heart! I am by no means a gym goer, but that has changed since going to JAG and training with Gail. I now love Pilates and weights classes so much. Something I thought I would never say. I am now doing things I literally couldn’t do, feels so dam good! Highly recommend!!!!


- started March 2019 to present



Started training with Gail 12 months ago to increase strength and mobility to assist with my ultra running. After being injured for the last few years, with Gail’s help, I have just run 160k again and felt strong right throughout. Gail thanks so much for your coaching and being the missing link for my running. Bloody fantastic!!! Can’t recommend JAG highly enough.


- started Dec 2018 to present


I started training with Gail at Jag Fitness and Pilates over a year ago. After an 'argument' with hospital (which I lost) and ongoing health issues I was extremely unfit when I started. Gail has always been understanding and supportive and, even though I have never been a big gym fan, her encouragement makes all the difference. She knows exactly how far to push you and your body. The classes are small so you feel like you're getting personal training but without the cost involved. Gail makes the sessions fun and changes the content so it's never boring. She genuinely cares about her clients mental and physical health, even adapting her training to online videos when the studio had to close due to coronavirus. I can honestly say that I have not felt fitter since I was in my 20's and after seeing the difference in me my husband now trains with Gail too. I can't imagine not training every week with Gail - she is amazing and I recommend her to anyone I can :-)


- started Aug 2018 to present



It has now been three years since I decided to join JAG to improve my fitness, flexibility, and endurance. It was one of the best decisions I have made, as I have achieved goals beyond what I thought I was capable. There is variety in the workouts, and I am challenged to work harder as well as being encouraged to discover that “I can do it!”. 

I had always been relatively active and thought I was doing ok with my fitness for someone who was over 60 years old! However, I was not happy that I was feeling as if I was slowing down and getting comfortable with the idea of taking it easy. I still did some hiking with a Women’s Fitness group and short walks locally, but I knew that I needed to up my fitness to ensure that I could continue to enjoy these activities and perhaps do even more. 

Now I have realised that physically I can do more than I thought I could (for my age!!). At JAG I was exposed to a variety of training which included reformer Pilates, weights, boxing, and ropes. I have learnt to run on treadmill, do push-ups, hold a plank, do boxing, handle heavy ropes, use weights, and incorporate stretches to help recovery. Prior to this I was always going to do more exercises at home or do the DVDs that are stacked up under the TV, but I did not do them often enough or push myself past my comfort zone. 

With my improved fitness I have done some special activities in the last couple of years. These include such things as: the Stadium Stomp, Stinson Track, Mt Barney and other mountains in the scenic rim, long multiday hikes (Blue Mts, Gold Coast Traverse, Light to Light, Port Stephens, Royal National Park), local hikes (9km to 24km ), and regular climbs up Coochin Twins and Ngungun. I have also enjoyed being physically fitter in my daily activities and having a stronger core for better posture which has also helped my lower back issues. 

I have always had a great appreciation for the benefits of having good health as my mother was chronic asthmatic and I would regularly visit her in Prince Charles Hospital. I want to be able to do the things that I want to do and can enjoy those activities. We never know what may happen in the future, but I believe if we try to stay fit, we are giving ourselves the best opportunity for a better and longer life. 

There are times when I wanted to slacken off and think it is all too hard, but then I think of a couple of fellow JAG members who have been inspired by my achievements and remind myself how well I am doing. Even when I have a session where I felt I was struggling; I do feel much better afterwards as I had still completed the workout. We all have our good and bad days. That is why I felt it was important for me to have a routine of set sessions, to ensure I do attend and commit to the workouts. 

Gail takes the time to understand each client and their capabilities, then tailors the workouts for their level. The atmosphere is great, and everyone supports each other to do their best and appreciate improvements. 

I am keen to continue my training with Gail at JAG for as long as I can, while I can, and see how much more I can do and achieve as I move through the next phase of my life! 


- started 2017 to present


Start Your

4 Week Reset Today! 


(New Clients - offered once only)

10x 45min sessions

Either Reformer Pilates or Circuit Weights

No extensions once started. Limited spots available. All sessions are by appointment only.